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How to Start Fate of Atlantis Episode 2

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The Fate of Atlantis is a downloadable content expansion pack for Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, which was released on April 23, 2019. It is the second out of two expansion packs for the game, alongside Legacy of the First Blade.[1]

A three-part episodic story arc, it is comprised of the memory sequences Fields of Elysium, [1] Torment of Hades, and Judgment of Atlantis,[2] with each episode being released roughly every six weeks from April 23, onward.[3]

The expansion will set players against mythic creatures while they uncover the mysteries of the fabled sunken city of Atlantis.


  • 1 Synopsis
    • 1.1 Fields of Elysium
    • 1.2 Torment of Hades
    • 1.3 Judgment of Atlantis
  • 2 Videos
  • 3 References


Fields of Elysium

Explore the Greek afterlife in the paradise of Elysium and discover what sinister secrets are hiding behind its beautiful façade. [4]

Torment of Hades

Go beyond the gates of the Underworld and help the lost souls find peace as you attempt to outwit Hades himself. [5]

Judgment of Atlantis

Journey into a fabled city of legend, encounter the mighty Poseidon, and discover the realm's destiny in the final episode of The Fate of Atlantis! [6]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Ubisoft - Assassin's Creed Odyssey Post-Launch Details Revealed
  2. Gamasutra - Assassin's Creed Odyssey - The Fate of Atlantis: first episode available from April 23rd
  3. Ubisoft - Assassin's Creed Odyssey – 1.2.0 Patch Notes
  4. Microsoft Store - Assassin's Creed Odyssey – Fields of Elysium
  5. Microsoft Store - Assassin's Creed Odyssey – Torment of Hades
  6. Microsoft Store - Assassin's Creed Odyssey – The Fate of Atlantis – Episode 3: Judgment of Atlantis

Assassin's Creed: Odyssey


Assassins / Hidden Ones

Layla Hassan • Victoria Bibeau • Kiyoshi Takakura • Alannah Ryan • Harlan Cunningham | Amunet | Kassandra (Ikaros) • Darius

Cult of Kosmos

Aspasia • Deimos • Nyx (Elpenor • Sotera • The Master • Hermippos • Midas) • Polemon (Epiktetos • The Centaur of Euboea • The Chimera • The Silver Griffin • Machaon) • Kleon (Brison • Podarkes • Rhexenor • Iobates • Kodros) • Exekias (Pallas • Deianeira • Belos • Swordfish • Okytos) • Iokaste (Melite • Harpalos • Zoisme • Diona • Chrysis) • The Hydra (The Mytilenian Shark • Melanthos • The Octopus • Sokos • Asterion) • Pausanias (Skylax • The Monger • Lagos • Kallias • Silanos)

Templars / Order of the Ancients

Juhani Otso Berg | Amorges • Pactyas (Akantha • Bubares • Echion • Konon • Phratagounè • Timosa • Order Elite) • Phila (Augos • Nestor • Megakreon • Sophos) • The Immortals • Gergis (Artazostre • Dimokrates • Pithias • Gaspar • Harpagos) | Xerxes I


Aletheia | Persephone • Hades • Poseidon • Hermes • Hekate • Atlas • Gadiros • Ampheres • Azaes • Neokles • Aita • Juno • Melitta • Xarios

Olympos Project

Cyclops (Brontes • Steropes • Arges) • Writhing Dread (Medusa • Ligeia) • Minotaur • Sphinx • Cerberos • Lycanthropes (Lyra) • Hekatonchires


Kassandra the Eagle-Bearer • Exekias the Legend • Talos the Stone-Fist • Sosipatros the Archon's Servant • The Poisoner • The False Leonidas • Zetes the Retired • Hyrkanos the Cunning • Agis of the North • Theos the Stargazer • Gaia the Fist • Exadios the Backbreaker • Edonos the Charging Bull • Atos the Beast Caller • Hirpes the Sordid • Aias the Clean • Kephalon the Thinker • Proktos the Moon King • "Eagle Bearer" (Chikaros) • Polykaste the Jilted • Narkissos the Babbler • Nestor the Great • Testiklos the Nut • Harpina the Heavy Hitter • Iaeira the Overcomer • Damais the Indifferent • Astarte the Swamp • Nanno the Abakos • Okyllos the Successor • Thaleia the Talon Hand • Laches the Eternal • Abia the Shaded | Cyclops of Kephallonia • The Poisoner of Athens • Testikles the Olympian • Deianeira the Boeotian Champion • Epiktetos the Forthcoming • Swordfish of Octopus Bay • The Monger of Korinthia • Achilles the Trojan War Hero • King Agamemnon of Mycenae • Herakles the Legendary • Perseus the Gorgon Slayer

Love interests

Aikaterine • Alkibiades • Anais • Aspasia • Auxesia • Daphnae • Diona • Kosta • Kyra • Lykaon • Lykinos • Mikkos • Odessa • Roxana • Thaletas • Thyia • Timotheos • Xenia • Zopheras • "Eagle Bearer" • Natakas | Adonis • Elpis


Archidamos • Aristophanes • Artaxerxes I • Barnabas • Brasidas • Darius II • Demokritos • Elpidios • Euripides • Herodotos • Hippokrates • Iola • Markos • Myrrine • Nikolaos • Perikles • Phidias • Polykleitos • Praxilla • Pythagoras • Phoibe • Sargon • Sophokles • Sokrates • Thespis • Thrasymachos | Leonidas • Dienekes • Kurush


Assassins (Layla Hassan's cell | Artabanus' group) | Templars (Sigma Team | Order of the Ancients) • Cult of Kosmos • Delian League • Peloponnesian League • Achaemenid Empire • Minor factions (Daughters of Artemis • Followers of Ares • The Dagger • Periklean Circle)


United Kingdom (London) | Egypt (Giza) | Isu Locations (Atlantis (Gateway to the Lost City) • Ancient Forge • Cave of Mt. Zas • Cave of the Forgotten Isle • Myson Cave • Nisyros • Sphinx Lair • Labyrinth of Lost Souls • Petrified Temple • Teichos of Herakles) • Greece • Aegean Sea (Andros) • Volcanic Islands (Thera • Anaphi • Nisyros (Cyclops Arges)) • Krete (Messara (Gortyn) • Pephka) • Kythera Island • Melos • Attika Peninsula (Attika (Athens • Dekelia • Lavrio • Port of Piraeus) • Boeotia (Lake Kopais • Mykalessos • Orchomenos • Thebes) • Megaris (Megara • Pagai)) • Forest Islands (Thasos • Abantis Islands (Euboea (Chalkis City • Eretria) • Skyros) • Petrified Islands (Chios • Lesbos (Mytilene))) • Kephallonia Islands (Kephallonia (Sami) • Ithaka) • Korinthian Gulf • Peloponnese (Arkadia (Tegea) • Argolis (Argos • Epidauros) • Achaia (Dyme • Patrai • Pellene) • Elis • Korinthia (Korinth) • Lakonia (Sparta) • Messenia) • Pirate Islands (Keos (Koressia) • Seriphos • Lestris) • Paradise Islands (Delos • Mykonos • Naxos Island • Paros Island) • Southern Sporades (Samos • Kradia Isle • Kos) • Northern Greece (Lokris • Makedonia (Amphipolis • Potidaia) • Malis • Phokis (Kirrha)) • Afterlife (Elysium • Underworld)


Peloponnesian War (Battle of Amphipolis • Battle of Pylos) • Plague of Athens | Greco-Persian Wars (Battle of Thermopylae)

Terms and concepts

Achievements • Ainigmata Ostraka • Crafting • Customization • Currencies (Drachma • Orichalcum) • Dual-wielding • Eagle Vision • Engraving • Genetic memory • Helix Credits • Historical Locations • Leap of Faith • Memories • Message boards • Outfits • Photo Mode • Pieces of Eden (Artifact Fragment • Atlantis Artifacts • Pyramid • Spear of Leonidas • Staff of Hermes Trismegistus • Sword of Damokles) • Ships (Adrestia) • Skills • Social Stealth • Story Creator Mode • Swimming • Viewpoints

Weapons and tools

Bow • Blunt weapons • Swords • Spears • Shields


The Blind KingSecrets of GreeceLegacy of the First Blade (HuntedShadow HeritageBloodline) The Fate of Atlantis (Fields of ElysiumTorment of HadesJudgment of Atlantis)The Lost Tales of GreeceDiscovery Tour

How to Start Fate of Atlantis Episode 2
